J55 Tubing

Casing and Tubing Manufacturers in Port Tianjin

exploring the benefits of Working with Casing and tubing manufacturers in Port Tianjin: A Guide for Oil and gas Companies Oil and gas companies looking to expand their operations in Port Tianjin can benefit greatly from working with casing and tubing Manufacturers in the area. With the right partner, these companies can access the highest…

exploring the benefits of Working with Casing and tubing manufacturers in Port Tianjin: A Guide for Oil and gas Companies

Oil and gas companies looking to expand their operations in Port Tianjin can benefit greatly from working with casing and tubing Manufacturers in the area. With the right partner, these companies can access the highest quality materials and services to ensure their operations run smoothly and efficiently.


The port of Tianjin is a major hub for the oil and gas industry, and it is home to some of the most advanced casing and tubing manufacturers in the world. These manufacturers are well-equipped to provide the highest quality materials and services to meet the needs of oil and gas companies. By working with these manufacturers, companies can benefit from:

1. Access to the latest technology: Casing and tubing manufacturers in Port Tianjin are well-versed in the latest technologies and can provide the most up-to-date materials and services. This ensures that companies can access the best materials and services to meet their needs.

2. cost savings: Working with casing and tubing manufacturers in Port Tianjin can help companies save money. These manufacturers are able to provide competitive Prices and can help companies reduce their overall costs.

          Calculated Mass c
    Nominal linear Mass T& C b,c Wall thick– ness       em, Mass Gain or Loss Due to End Finishing d
Labels a Outside diameter     Inside Diameter Drift Diameter Plain- end kg
              Round thread Buttress Thread
  D kg/m t D mm kg/m Short Long RC SCC
  mm   mm mm            
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
7 17 177.8 25.6 5.87 166.06 162.88 24.89 7.61
7 20 177.8 29.91 6.91 163.98 160.8 29.12 6.74 — 7.94 — 8.28 — 0.58
7 23 177.8 34.67 8.05 161.7 158.75 e 158.52 156.24 153.90 33.7 6.26 7.94 8.28 0.58
7 23 177.8 34.67 8.05 161.7 152.40 e 33.7 6.26 7.37 7.65 –0.54
7 26 177.8 39.14 9.19 159.42 151.6 38.21 5.79 6.79 7.13 –0.69
7 29 177.8 43.6 10.36 157.08 149.32 42.78 6.23 6.4 –1.31
7 32 177.8 47.92 11.51 154.78 147.18 47.2 6.23 6.4 –1.31
7 32 177.8 47.92 11.51 154.78 142.86 47.2 5.68 5.79 –1.91
7 35 177.8 52.09 12.65 152.5 139.72 51.52 5.18 5.24 –2.47
7 38 177.8 56.1 13.72 150.36 136.52 55.52
7 42.7 177.8 63.84 15.88 146.04 133.38 63.41
7 46.4 177.8 69.35 17.45 142.9 130.18 69.01
7 50.1 177.8 74.85 19.05 139.7   74.58
7 53.6 177.8 80.21 20.62 136.56   79.93
7 57.1 177.8 85.42 22.22 133.36   85.25      
7 5/8 24 193.68 35.72 7.62 178.44 175.26 34.96 7.11 — 8.58 — 9.12 — 2.59
7 5/8 26.4 193.68 39.29 8.33 177.02 173.84 38.08 6.78 7.91 8.38 1.84
7 5/8 29.7 193.68 44.2 9.52 174.64 171.46 43.24 7.13 7.51 0.98
7 5/8 33.7 193.68 50.15 10.92 171.84 168.66 49.22 6.16 6.44 – 0.10
7 5/8 39 193.68 58.04 12.7 168.28 165.1 56.68 5.32 5.5 –1.03
7 5/8 42.8 193.68 63.69 14.27 165.14 161.96 63.14 4.87 5.01 –1.52
7 5/8 45.3 193.68 67.41 15.11 163.46 160.28 66.54 4.48 4.57 –1.96
7 5/8 47.1 193.68 70.09 15.88 161.92 158.74 69.63
7 5/8 51.2 193.68 76.19 17.45 158.78 155.6 75.84
7 5/8 55.3 193.68 82.3 19.05 155.58 152.4 82.04      
7 3/4 46.1 196.85 68.6 15.11 166.63 165.10 e 67.72
7 3/4 46.1 196.85 68.6 15.11 166.63 163.45 67.72

3. Quality assurance: Casing and tubing manufacturers in Port Tianjin are committed to providing the highest quality materials and services. This ensures that companies can access the best materials and services to meet their needs.

4. Expertise: Casing and tubing manufacturers in Port Tianjin have extensive experience in the oil and gas industry. This ensures that companies can access the best materials and services to meet their needs.

Oil Tube wholesale-price high-quality high-grade china,casing Pipe China high-quality ,Wholesaler,casing pipe chinese high-grade wholesaler,By working with casing and tubing manufacturers in Port Tianjin, oil and gas companies can benefit from access to the latest technology, cost savings, quality assurance, and expertise. With the right partner, these companies can ensure their operations run smoothly and efficiently.

 API 5ct L80 casing tubing range lengths
  Range 1 Range 2 Range 3
CASING (PE/T and C/SF)      
Total range length, inclusive Permissible variation, max a 4.88 to 7.62 1.83 7.62 to 10.36 10.36 to 14.63 1.83
(PE/T and C/SF)      
Total range length, inclusive Permissible variation, max a 6.10 to 7.32 b 8.53 to 9.75 c 11.58 to 12.80 d
  0.61 0.61 0.61
INTEGRAL TUBING connectionS (including IJ/PE      
and IJ/SF)      
Total range length, inclusive Permissible variation, max a 6.10 to 7.92 e 8.53 to 10.36 11.58 to 13.72 0.61
  0.61 0.61  
PUP JOINTS Lengths: 0.61; 0.91; 1.22; 1.83; 2.44; 3.05 and 3.66 e
  tolerance: ±0.076
a Length variation applies to rail car shipment to the point of use and does not apply to order items of less than 18,144 kg of pipe.
b By agreement between purchaser and manufacturer, the maximum length may be increased to 8.57 m.
c By agreement between purchaser and manufacturer, the maximum length may be increased to 10.76 m.
d By agreement between purchaser and manufacturer, the maximum length may be increased to 17.72 m.0.61 m pup joints may be furnished up to 0.91 m long by agreement between purchaser and manufacturer, and lengths other than those listed may be furnished by agreement between purchaser and manufacturer.

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