J55, K55, N80, L80, P110, S135 | Casing Tubing Manufacturer

the benefits of Working with a Professional Casing tubing manufacturer: A comparison of J55, K55, N80, L80, P110, and S135 when it comes to selecting the right casing tubing for a project, it is important to work with a professional manufacturer who can provide the best quality product for the job. different types of casing…

the benefits of Working with a Professional Casing tubing manufacturer: A comparison of J55, K55, N80, L80, P110, and S135

when it comes to selecting the right casing tubing for a project, it is important to work with a professional manufacturer who can provide the best quality product for the job. different types of casing tubing are available, each with its own unique characteristics and benefits. This article will compare the benefits of J55, K55, N80, L80, P110, and S135 casing tubing to help you make an informed decision when selecting the right product for your project.

J55 casing tubing is the most common type of casing tubing used in Oil and gas production. It is a lowcost option that is relatively easy to install and maintain. It is also highly resistant to corrosion and has a high tensile strength, making it a great choice for projects that require a durable product.

Labels a           Calculated Mass c
    Nominal linear Mass T& C b,c wall thick– ness       em, Mass Gain or Loss Due to End Finishing d
  Outside diameter     Inside Diameter Drift Diameter Plain- end kg
              round thread Buttress Thread
  D kg/m t D mm kg/m short long RC SCC
  mm   mm mm            
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
8 5/8 24 219.08 35.72 6.71 205.66 202.48 35.14 10.93
8 5/8 28 219.08 41.67 7.72 203.64 200.46 40.24 10.07 — 12.44 — 12.57 — 2.51
8 5/8 32 219.08 47.62 8.94 201.2 200.02 e 198.02 195.58 46.33 9.39 12.44 12.57 2.51
8 5/8 32 219.08 47.62 8.94 201.2 193.68 e 46.33 9.39 11.6 11.68 1.62
8 5/8 36 219.08 53.57 10.16 198.76 193.04 52.35 8.72 10.73 10.77 0.71
8 5/8 40 219.08 59.53 11.43 196.22 190.5 58.53 10.73 10.77 0.71
8 5/8 40 219.08 59.53 11.43 196.22 187.6 58.53 9.88 9.87 –0.20
8 5/8 44 219.08 65.48 12.7 193.68   64.64 8.88 8.85 –1.21
8 5/8 49 219.08 72.92 14.15 190.78   71.51      
9 5/8 32.3 244.48 48.07 7.92 228.6 224.66 46.2 11 — 14.48 — 13.87 — 2.74
9 5/8 36 244.48 53.57 8.94 226.6 222.63 51.93 10.36 13.59 12.97 1.84
9 5/8 40 244.48 59.53 10.03 224.4 222.25 e 220.45 218.41 218.41 216.54 216.54 57.99 9.69 13.59 12.97 1.84
9 5/8 40 244.48 59.53 10.03 224.4 215.90 e 57.99 9.69 12.78 12.15 1.01
9 5/8 43.5 244.48 64.74 11.05 222.4 215.90 e 212.83 212.83 63.61 12.84 f 12.15 1.01
9 5/8 43.5 244.48 64.74 11.05 222.4 212.72 e 63.61 12.03 11.39 0.25
9 5/8 47 244.48 69.94 11.99 220.5 212.72 e 210.29 210.29 209.58 206.38 203.23 200.02 68.75 12.09 f 11.39 0.25
9 5/8 47 244.48 69.94 11.99 222.5   68.75 10.57 9.92 –1.22
9 5/8 53.5 244.48 79.62 13.84 216.8   78.72 10.63 f 9.92 –1.22
9 5/8 53.5 244.48 79.62 13.84 216.8   78.72 10.57 9.92 –1.22
9 5/8 53.5 244.48 79.62 13.84 216.8   78.72 10.63 f 9.92 –1.22
9 5/8 53.5 244.48 79.62 13.84 216.8   78.72 9.58 8.92 –2.22
9 5/8 58.4 244.48 86.91 15.11 214.25   85.47 9.65 f 8.92 –2.22
9 5/8 58.4 244.48 86.91 15.11 214.25   85.47 9.58 8.92 –2.22
9 5/8 58.4 244.48 86.91 15.11 214.25   85.47 9.65 f 8.92 –2.22
9 5/8 58.4 244.48 86.91 15.11 214.25   85.47
9 5/8 59.4 244.48 88.4 15.47 213.5   87.37
9 5/8 64.9 244.48 96.58 17.07 210.3   95.73
9 5/8 70.3 244.48 104.62 18.64 207.2   103.82
9 5/8 75.6 244.48 112.51 20.24 204   111.93    

k55 casing tubing is similar to J55, but it is slightly more expensive and has a higher tensile strength. It is also more resistant to corrosion and is often used in projects that require a higher level of durability.

N80 Casing tubing is a higher grade of casing tubing that is more expensive than J55 and K55. It is highly resistant to corrosion and has a higher tensile strength, making it a great choice for projects that require a durable product.

L80 casing tubing is a premium grade of casing tubing that is more expensive than N80. It is highly resistant to corrosion and has a higher tensile strength, making it a great choice for projects that require a durable product.

          Calculated Mass c
    Nominal Linear Mass T& C b,c Wall Thick- ness       em, Mass Gain or Loss Due to End Finishing d
Labels a Outside Diameter     Inside Diameter Drift Diameter Plain- end kg
              Round Thread Buttress Thread
  D kg/m t D mm kg/m Short Long RC SCC
  mm   mm mm            
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
7 17 177.8 25.6 5.87 166.06 162.88 24.89 7.61
7 20 177.8 29.91 6.91 163.98 160.8 29.12 6.74 — 7.94 — 8.28 — 0.58
7 23 177.8 34.67 8.05 161.7 158.75 e 158.52 156.24 153.90 33.7 6.26 7.94 8.28 0.58
7 23 177.8 34.67 8.05 161.7 152.40 e 33.7 6.26 7.37 7.65 –0.54
7 26 177.8 39.14 9.19 159.42 151.6 38.21 5.79 6.79 7.13 –0.69
7 29 177.8 43.6 10.36 157.08 149.32 42.78 6.23 6.4 –1.31
7 32 177.8 47.92 11.51 154.78 147.18 47.2 6.23 6.4 –1.31
7 32 177.8 47.92 11.51 154.78 142.86 47.2 5.68 5.79 –1.91
7 35 177.8 52.09 12.65 152.5 139.72 51.52 5.18 5.24 –2.47
7 38 177.8 56.1 13.72 150.36 136.52 55.52
7 42.7 177.8 63.84 15.88 146.04 133.38 63.41
7 46.4 177.8 69.35 17.45 142.9 130.18 69.01
7 50.1 177.8 74.85 19.05 139.7   74.58
7 53.6 177.8 80.21 20.62 136.56   79.93
7 57.1 177.8 85.42 22.22 133.36   85.25      
7 5/8 24 193.68 35.72 7.62 178.44 175.26 34.96 7.11 — 8.58 — 9.12 — 2.59
7 5/8 26.4 193.68 39.29 8.33 177.02 173.84 38.08 6.78 7.91 8.38 1.84
7 5/8 29.7 193.68 44.2 9.52 174.64 171.46 43.24 7.13 7.51 0.98
7 5/8 33.7 193.68 50.15 10.92 171.84 168.66 49.22 6.16 6.44 – 0.10
7 5/8 39 193.68 58.04 12.7 168.28 165.1 56.68 5.32 5.5 –1.03
7 5/8 42.8 193.68 63.69 14.27 165.14 161.96 63.14 4.87 5.01 –1.52
7 5/8 45.3 193.68 67.41 15.11 163.46 160.28 66.54 4.48 4.57 –1.96
7 5/8 47.1 193.68 70.09 15.88 161.92 158.74 69.63
7 5/8 51.2 193.68 76.19 17.45 158.78 155.6 75.84
7 5/8 55.3 193.68 82.3 19.05 155.58 152.4 82.04      
7 3/4 46.1 196.85 68.6 15.11 166.63 165.10 e 67.72
7 3/4 46.1 196.85 68.6 15.11 166.63 163.45 67.72

p110 casing tubing is the most expensive type of casing tubing available. It is highly resistant to corrosion and has a higher tensile strength, making it a great choice for projects that require a durable product.

S135 casing tubing is the most expensive type of casing tubing available. It is highly resistant to corrosion and has a higher tensile strength, making it a great choice for projects that require a durable product.

When selecting the right casing tubing for your project, it is important to work with a professional manufacturer who can provide the best quality product for the job. By comparing the benefits of J55, K55, N80, L80, P110, and S135 casing tubing, you can make an informed decision when selecting the right product for your project.
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